Dog Dental Cleaning
Safe,Humane & Affordable
For many years, the only way dogs could get their teeth cleaned as if they were put under general anesthesia. Researchers have recently developed a method that allows clean pets’ teeth without anesthetic.
Lower Risk
Though anesthesia is generally quite safe, it still comes with inherent risks. By forgoing general anesthesia, your pet will also forgo the risks involved.
No Recovery Time
Another drawback to anesthesia is the long recovery time. Instead of feeling nauseous and lethargic for hours after the procedure, your pet will leave feeling like their usual self, but with a happy and healthy smile.
Reduced Cost
Procedures that involve the use of general anesthesia can be very expensive. You’ll be more at ease knowing your pet is maintaining a healthy smile with us for only a fraction of the cost.
Do you know the 4-step approach to a Non‑Anesthetic Pet Dental?
5 Reasons
Why Dog Dental Care Is Important
Dog dental disease has serious consequences, so maintaining good dog dental care is very important.